Each year, in the third week of July, the quaint city of Nijmegen transforms into a bustling hub of excitement and sore feet for the 4Days Marches, or as the locals call it, the “Nijmeegse Vierdaagse.” Imagine over 45,000 participants from 70+ nationalities, aged 11 to 90+, gathering to walk 30, 40, or 50 kilometers every day for four days. Their goal? To earn the prestigious 4Days Marches Cross, a symbol of sheer determination, or possibly, just the ultimate foot blister.
what is the vierdaagse?
This year, the 105th edition of the Vierdaagse kicks off on July 16th. The festivities begin at the crack of dawn, with the first walkers starting at 4 am. Yes, you read that right—4 am! So, grab your coffee and head out to cheer on the participants as they embark on their long trek through the charming streets of Nijmegen.